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Professional Headshot of Michael Ragsdale
Professional Headshot of Michael Ragsdale

Pronouns: He, Him, His

I am a PHP developer who specializes in Section 508 Compliance. I also write books, develop the software that displays the books, and create the characters for the books.

What are my Skills?

My skills in HTML date back to 1997, 27 years ago. Other skills would come online over the course of the years, starting with my first forays into development on the Windows operating system in 1998 using Visual Basic 6.0, and currently I pride myself in building websites that are responive, pay attention to your system’s Dark Mode settings, and — most importantly — follow Web Content Accessibility Guidelines to allow people of all abilities to browse my work.

Get in Touch with Me

I am open to work in the web development field. Please use the Contact Me link below to access my calendar, resume, and my salary expections. In addition, please have a look at my samples as well as my skillset.

Contact Me

My resume, salary expections, and calendar for interviews are available here. Please answer a few simple questions to unlock my resume.

Learn More About Me


This is a complete list of my employment, including employment that would not fit within two pages of a resume. This lists everything from when I began working up to the present.

View My Employment

My Location

I currently reside in Norfolk, Virginia, and I am open to both 100% remote work as well in-office and hybrid work that is within commuting distance.

View My Location


I don’t participate in so-called working interviews without compensation (would you want to work off the clock too?). Please view my Work Samples to give you an idea of what I can do

View My Sample Work


This is a list of my knowlege. I am always open to learning new skills. My focus in on PHP along with fixing websites for Section 508 and WCAG compliance.

View My Skills

What I Can Do

Section 508 & WCAG

I am well versed in Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) as well as Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. I can spot-check and correct documents, finding errors that the automatic tools often miss.

I strive to meet Level AA of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, and for Federal Government work, will absolutely abide by Section 508 requirements.

View Section 508 Sample


Using a bunch of different technologies (with a focus on Bootstrap, JavaScript, and PHP), I create websites that are accessible, responsive, and use prefers-color-scheme to respect the color mode settings of your device along with prefers-reduced-motion to ensure flashy animations aren’t used when someone doesn’t want them.

Story Creation

I create Works of Fiction using The Sims 4 to create my characters. From there, I use a combination of tools, frameworks, and languages to combine them into a single package.

I use a combination of HTML, CSS, Shoelace, Bootstrap, JavaScript, and C♯ to combine everything into one easy to use package.

Web Components are powered by Shoelace (soon to be renamed to Web Awesome)